Research ProjectsCatholics For Family Peace Education and Research Initiative is exploring creating Research and Study Groups on the following issues.
Catholic Response to Sexual and Domestic Violence and Abuse
A report compiled by the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth Domestic Violence During Pregnancy -
Abortion and Violence Against Pregnant Women, Martha Shuping, M.D. July 15, 2019. References in the current literature. Summary here. 2011-present “El Grupo de Hombres/The Men’s Group” |
Evaluation Study of the St. Pius V Partner Abuse Intervention Program, Chicago Catholics For Family Peace has been involved in the development of this research project since its inception and continues to provide ongoing guidance and support for this critically important work. Community Partners & Institutions: St. Pius V, Dominican University, Catholics For Family Peace, Between Friends, The Center for Advancing Domestic Peace, La Familia Unida, Washington University in St. Louis. Funded in part by Catholic University of America National Catholic School of Social Service & Dominican University Graduate School of Social Work. Principal Investigator: Maxine Davis, MSW/ MBA Research Team: Dr. Sharon O'Brien, Fr. Charles Dahm, O.P.. Ph.D., Dr. Lauri Przybysz, Dr. Bushra Sabri, Dr. Charles Stoops Description: Located in Chicago, St. Pius V is a Catholic parish offering an innovative domestic violence intervention called “The Men’s Group”. The program was developed specifically for Spanish-speaking men who have acted abusively towards an intimate partner. Since 2011 over 400 men have voluntarily participated in the group (which is rare – 90% of participation in usual-care treatment is court mandated). So, what makes this group different? Why are men voluntarily participating? Are men really changing their behavior after joining this group? In order to rigorously answer these questions, a process and impact evaluation is currently underway. The research employs a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, uses a community-engaged approach, and operates under a womanist-guided socio-ecological framework. Over 100 men in “The Men’s Group” of St. Pius V and 100 men in a usual-care comparison group are expected to be surveyed at four different time points during this 2-year longitudinal study. For More Information, contact: Dr. Sharon O'Brien, [email protected] "Evaluation of 2016 Symposium: Hope, Help, and Healing: A Catholic Response to Domestic Abuse and Violence (in progress)
Catholics For Family Peace initiated an evaluation of the first national Catholic symposium on domestic abuse held in July 2016 at The Catholic University of America and hosted by the National Catholic School of Social Service. Principal Investigators: Dr. Sharon O'Brien Research Team: James Marafino (2016-2017) For more information, contact: Dr. Sharon O'Brien, [email protected] |